About Firefly

The Firefly Center is reinventing the traditional approach to mental health care and wellbeing by creating a unique space that provides a place for all to connect and participate in a variety of programming and events.

Three years ago… a community group in Fosston discovered that Alluma, a regional mental healthcare provider, was looking to secure a permanent location in Fosston. The group, in its typical artistic fashion, did what it does best–they got creative! Out of that, Firefly was born.

Firefly conducted feasibility studies with Artspace, a nonprofit organization that specializes in consulting with organizations like Firefly to create financially sustainable, artistic, multi-use spaces. The Center will rely on income from two main sources–rent from Alluma, a regional mental health service provider, as well as two 1-bedroom apartment spaces available to the general public for rent.

The Center will also rent space for community events, artists, and provide wellbeing programming, whether it be financial, social, physical, mental, spiritual, or more.

In June 2023 Firefly Center for Art & Wellbeing filed for 501c3 status and established a 12-member board, each bringing a unique skill sets to this project. A lease was signed in July and construction has begun.


Alluma will be the Center’s in-house mental health provider. Based in Crookston, MN, Alluma provides evidence-based, client-focused care in a large 8-county region in northwestern Minnesota.

Collaborative partnerships will help Firefly to provide equitable, accessible care for all, including at-risk demographic groups.

Programming will aim to assist individuals, groups, and the community as a whole through education, evidence-based approaches, art therapy and more.

How Can I Help?

  • Volunteer

    Assist with buildout, events, marketing and more!

  • Collaborate with Firefly

    Health professionals, artists, area businesses, community groups and organizations.

  • Donate

    Make a donation via our fiscal sponsor, Northwest Minnesota Foundation.